Head Softball Coach
Position Title: Head Softball Coach
Department: Athletics
Immediate Supervisor’s Title: Athletic Director
Positions Supervised: Assistant Coach and Students
Term of Position: 12 Months
Position Description:(primary functions)
- Manage and develop all aspects of the softball program, including recruitment, organization of practices and games, scheduling, budgeting, facility, and equipment maintenance.
- Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the rules and regulations of Coahoma Community College, National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA), and Mississippi Association of Community Colleges (MACCC) Region XXIII.
- Understand the role of athletics in the educational process.
Minimum Requirements:
- At least a bachelor's degree.
- Three (3) to five (5) years of softball coaching experience.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
- Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the NJCAA, MACCC, and Coahoma Community College policies and procedures and adhere to all rules and regulations.
- Submit the softball event schedules and team roster to the athletic director for approval.
- Promote the softball program through community events, public speaking, fundraising, and marketing.
- Foster a growth mindset environment to enhance student athletes’ academic progress and athletic performance.
- Manage fiscal budget, and operational administrative activities for the softball program.
- Monitor academic progress and status of softball student athletes and ensure the implementation of academic progress action plans are being implemented.
- Coordinate housing arrangements for student athletes with the appropriate personnel.
- Manage student athletes' misconduct appropriately and immediately on and off the field.
- Recruit quality prospective student athletes and ensure timely submission of their academic records to prevent enrollment delays.
- Demonstrate professionalism at all times via behavior and appearance.
- Responsible for searching, selection, and training of qualified assistant coaches in accordance with all college personnel policies.
- Responsible for annually evaluating all coaches and staff under his/her supervision.
- Coordinate softball travel needs with the Athletic Director.
- Maintain well-kept softball facilities.
- Report issues regarding softball equipment and athletic facilities immediately.
- Attend athletic department meetings, professional meetings, and other professional development events.
- Demonstrate a cooperative attitude toward all other sports within the Department of Athletics and other departments on and off campus.
- Complete and submit all documents in a timely manner.
- Regularly inspect playing and practice surfaces and equipment to ensure safety.
- Follow proper chain of command.
- Perform any other duties assigned by the Athletic Director.
Click here to apply online.
Non-Discrimination Statement
Coahoma Community College is an equal opportunity institution in accordance with civil
rights and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex,
disability, age, or other factors prohibited by law in any of its educational programs,
activities and employment opportunities. The following person has been designated
to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Taneshia Turner, Director
of Human Resources/Coordinator for 504/ADA, Title IX Compliance Officer, Office #A100,
Vivian M. Presley Administration Building, 3240 Friars Point Road, Clarksdale, Mississippi
38614, Phone: (662)621-4853, Email: tyoung@taogoods.net.